Insure4Boats blog

What’s the best varnish for your yacht?

What’s the best varnish for your yacht?

Using the best yacht varnish is essential to preserving the longevity of your vessel. Here, we reveal which varnish is best suited to your yacht.…

7 ways to prepare your boat for a storm

7 ways to prepare your boat for a storm

Unfortunately, it’s not rare for the UK to be hit by harsh weather. We’ve created a guide to help you learn how to prepare your boat for a storm.…

How to get Wi-Fi on a narrowboat

How to get Wi-Fi on a narrowboat

Want to know how to get Wi-Fi on your narrowboat? Check out our full guide to each option available, from mobile broadband to an external antenna set-up.…

The Best Narrowboat Accessories To Have On Board

The Best Narrowboat Accessories To Have On Board

Having the right accessories can play a big part in making your narrowboat journeys more enjoyable. From something practical to something ornamental, there are plenty of items to choose from.…

Complete guide to fitting out a narrowboat (DIY)

Complete guide to fitting out a narrowboat (DIY)

Fitting out a narrowboat is no small feat. It’s usually a long process and requires knowledge in multiple areas, such as woodwork, plumbing and electrics unless you splurge on a readily lined vessel…

12 gifts for paddle boarders

12 gifts for paddle boarders

Know someone that loves paddle boarding? We’ve put together a list of the 12 best gifts for paddle boarders.…

Kayaking and fishing: A complete guide

Kayaking and fishing: A complete guide

If kayaking and fishing combines two of your favourite hobbies, we’ve created a complete guide on where and how to go kayak fishing.…

10 canal boat gifts for avid boaters

10 canal boat gifts for avid boaters

If you’re looking for canal boat gifts for a friend who loves boating, we’ve put together a list of some of the best and most thoughtful canal boat gifts around.…